Dare to Begin!

Dare to Begin!

What are your fitness challenges and what’s holding you back? Mine was ‘Daring to Begin’: People who don’t know where to start are often perfectionists. Perfectionism is one cause of procrastination – it makes us worried about getting things wrong. We can only start...
Menopause & Strength Training

Menopause & Strength Training

Strength is a critical part of our exercise programme at any age but even more as we approach and go through menopause. Naturally falling levels of the oestrogen hormone causes more fat storage around our middle, our energy requirements drop and our muscle mass begins...
Exercise and Fat Burning

Exercise and Fat Burning

Do you worry about the exercise you’re doing; burning enough calories? Here’s a different way to think about it …. Imagine the ingredients list on a food label. The largest ingredient is listed first. Now replace the food with an exercise and the ingredients with a...